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Query Tab

The Query tab makes it possible to define filters which are always active for the catalog. Multiple catalogs for the same business object may be created this way, each of them displaying just the data relevant for a specific purpose. The filters specified here become a part of the catalog definition and cannot be disengaged by a user. The user can, however, add additional filters to further refine the search.

Two types of filtering can be set up in the Query tab:

  • Static query

    In the upper section of the tab, a static filtering condition can be created. This can be done in two ways:

    • Table

      Select the 'Table' radio button to specify the condition in the same way as for the Full Search - see Search in Valuemation for details. The table form simplifies the creation by providing a selection of available attributes, operators and values or functions.

    • Text

      Select the 'Text' radio button to specify the condition in a textual form.

    You can use the Table mode for 'assisted' creation of a query, then switch to the Text mode to see the actual created condition and possibly copy it into the clipboard for use elsewhere.

  • Dynamic query

    In the bottom section of the tab, an expression for a dynamically defined condition can be specified as a Python expression.

    When dynamic query is used, the catalog trend query is calculated at runtime every time the catalog is refreshed. The resulting query used on the catalog consists of the static query AND-combined with evaluation of the Python expression.

    The length of the Python expression is limited to 2000 characters. This limitation imposed by the necessity to store the expression with the catalog definition in the database.

    Field 'Evaluated Dynamic Catalog Query' below the query field displays the condition evaluated at the current moment, including information about errors in the expression.

See Also

Structure of the Catalog Customizer

General Tab

Columns Tab

Tree Layout Tab

Rendering Conditions Tab

Translations Tab

Modules Tab

History Conditions Tab

MultiLine Designer Tab

Catalog Calendar Usage

Tree Filter

Sidebar & Smart Tiles Rendering

Quick Search
