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Show Configuration

The Customization Transfer Manager uses a Show Configuration action available in the sidebar to provide you an instant view of the current situation of the Transfer Manager environments.

To call the 'Configuration Info' dialog box:

  1. Run the 'Show Configuration' action.

    A 'Configuration Info' dialog box showing the CTM related configuration opens.

    Help Image
    Example: The 'Configuration' dialog boxes without and with defined Valuemation Environments.

    The 'Configuration' dialog box consists of several parts:

    Status of the CTM basic settings

    • The current setting of the 'enable_ctm' environment variable.

      Must be set to 'true' so that the CTM would work correctly.

      Options: True/False.

    • The availability of the database connection.

      Checks if the CTM session is available and if the database connection to the CTM database is possible.

      Options: Available/Unavailable.

    • Database used for CTM.

      Shows if the special CTM database or full VM database is deployed and being used.

      Options: Special CTM DB/Full VM DB.

    The overall CTM status

    Shows the overall status of the CTM settings (if it is enabled or disabled).

    Options: Active/Inactive.

    Valuemation environments

    Here you can see the defined Valuemation environments together with status information and followed by environments.

    Example: Master: available | followed by Test

    Invalid Settings

    Shows a list of detected invalid settings (optional). Here the import of XML and SQL is blocked because no environments have been defined.

    Example: Import not possible. No defined environments.

  2. Click 'Yes' or 'No' depending if you want to copy the displayed configuration report into the clipboard.

See Also

CTM Important Use Cases

Start New Logging

Customizing with the Log Comment

Registerring a Customization Change in CTM

Transfering the Customization

Registering SQL changes in CTM

Approving a Package

Creating a Package

Emergency Transfers

Creating Customization Manually

Putting Customization on Hold

Running Setups

Adding an Additional Environment

Auto Create Environments

Controlling Environment Availability/Active Sessions

Data Archiving and CTM