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Valuemation Analytics

Valuemation Analytics in Valuemation

USU Valuemation Analytics is a tool for consolidating, analyzing and presenting IT data. Valuemation Analytics data presentation is based on KPIs and customized dashboards facilitating easy analysis of data and detection of interrelationships, dependencies and weak points in the business operation.

Valuemation benefits from Valuemation Analytics's innovative data-handling approach by using its capabilities for the following:

Integration of Valuemation Analytics into Valuemation involves using the Valuemation Analytics User Console to retrieve the path to a particular Analysis or Dashboard and the creation of a Valuemation InfoObject using this path.

The data retrieval from Valuemation will be done by direct data access to the process-relevant object types (especially for ticketing, the 'Ticket Report' object type with aggregated ticket data will be used).

In This Chapter

Valuemation Analytics Reporting

Valuemation Analytics Data Presentation

Updating Valuemation Analytics Dashboards

Paths to VMA-related Files

How to Transfer VMA Content

VMA User Console

See Also

Interfaces & Integration

Email Templates

Valuemation and KnowledgeCenter

Mail-In via Valuemation Enterprise Integrator

Email Dispatch Using Escalation

Smart Link Chat

Valuemation Printing


XML - Export Metamodel