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How to Transfer VMA Content

Create a data source

First it is necessary to create the data source:

  1. Create the data source for Valuemation on the target VMA server:

    Go to the VMA console and click button 'Manage Data Sources'. Click the settings button and select 'New Connection...'

  2. Data source for Valuemation hosted on local Oracle database

    - Connection name: vm, Database Type: Oracle, Type: JDBC

    - Host Name: localhost, Database Name: orcl, Port Number: 1521, User Name: <schema_name>, Password: <passw_for_schema>

  3. Data source for Valuemation build hosted on an external server

    - Connection name: vm, Database Type: Oracle, Type: JDBC

    - Host Name: <external server>, Database Name: orcl, Port Number: 1521, User Name: <vm build>, Password: s3

Transfer VMA content

VMA content can be transfered in two ways: using the VMACM utility provided with Valuemation or by a step-by-step import. Using VMACM is the recommended way. In standard Valuemation isntallation the utility can be found in the following location within the installation folder:


Transferring the VMA content using VMACM

  1. Go to the VMACM folder and edit file '' according to the instructions provided in the file.
  2. Run 'export_from_VMA.bat' to export VMA data from the source VMA server.
  3. Edit file '' and set target server parameters.
  4. Run 'import_to_VMA' to import VMA data to the target VMA server
  5. Copy all localization files and restart the VMA server.

Transfering the VMA content using step-by-step import

  1. Log into the VMA console on the target server and import all Mondrian schemas:
    • Click button 'Manage Data Sources' -> Import Analysis...
    • Mondrian File: select the xml/zip file exported from the source VMA server
    • Select From Available Datasources: Data Source: vm, button 'Import'
    • Focus your new schema -> Edit... -> Manually enter datasource parameter values:

      DataSource = vm

      EnableXmla = false

      UseContentChecksum = true

      DynamicSchemaProcessor = mondrian.i18n.LocalizingDynamicSchemaProcessor

  2. Import all analyses and dashboards needed for VMA:
    • Click button 'Browse Files', focus: Public/Valuemation Standard
    • Folder Actions -> Upload... -> select your *.zip file (e.g. "Incident")
    • Click 'OK' to import all dashboards for one module (Incident Management in this case)


    • Click button 'Browse Files', focus: Public
    • Folder Actions -> Upload... -> select the "Valuemation" file
    • Click 'OK' to import all VM standard dashboards at once (takes a long time to upload)
  3. Copy all localization files ( to the target VMA folder:
  4. Restart the target VMA server

See Also

Valuemation Analytics

Valuemation Analytics Reporting

Valuemation Analytics Data Presentation

Updating Valuemation Analytics Dashboards

Paths to VMA-related Files

VMA User Console