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Valuemation ticketing is capable of communication with ZIS System (Zentrales Informations-System), namely creation of new Incident tickets automatically out of ZIS events and sending information back to ZIS.

There are three systems involved which continuously interact with each other. The EPI as the core element of the ZIS-System-Integration coordinates all communication processes between ZIS-System and Valuemation. EPI holds full control of the exchange of data at all times.

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Depending on the rules assigned to process a ticket-relevant event, a transaction either creates a new ticket or updates an existing ticket in Valuemation. Removing such an event also sends a corresponding message to Valuemation.

In turn, updating or solving an incident within Valuemation returns a defined message to the ZIS-System. How the ZIS-System handles these incoming messages is based on the implementation the customer provides.

In This Chapter

Communication Flow Between VM and ZIS

Interation Between Valuemation and ZIS

General Description

Details on the communication between involved parties



SMDB / CMDB Synchronization

Getting the current ZIS-Status

See Also

Interfaces & Integration

Email Templates

Valuemation Analytics

Valuemation and KnowledgeCenter

Mail-In via Valuemation Enterprise Integrator

Email Dispatch Using Escalation

Smart Link Chat

Valuemation Printing


XML - Export Metamodel