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CSV Import/Export can be used to share data with external applications (such as MS Excel) or between individual Valuemation installations. Typical use is importing generic objects (System, Person, Location...).

When importing from MS Excel, the data needs to be saved as a CSV file.

  • CSV Import

    CSV Import is done using the 'CSV Import setting' action in the Valuemation side bar. (If the action is missing, it might be necessary to add it to the sidebar).

  • CSV Export

    CSV Export is done using the 'Export to Text File' action found in the right-click context menu on catalog objects.

    If enabled, the 'Setup Export to Text File Parameters' window opens before the actual export. It is advisable to have the export set up this way.

Enabling the 'Setup Export to Text File Parameters' window

To enable/disable opening of the 'Setup Export to Text File Parameters' window when the 'Export to Text File' action is called:

  1. Go to Valuemation 'Global Settings'
  2. Locate the 'Customizer Settings' page
  3. Set the 'Show dialog before export' check box to True

Note: Be careful about the 'Show dialog before export' option. As it is part of global settings, switching 'Show dialog before export' off will also influence other users. It is generally recommended to have the 'Show dialog before export' option enabled.

In This Chapter

CSV Export

CSV Import

About CSV Files

Example: Importing Plan Items

See Also

Interfaces & Integration

Email Templates

Valuemation Analytics

Valuemation and KnowledgeCenter

Mail-In via Valuemation Enterprise Integrator

Email Dispatch Using Escalation

Smart Link Chat

Valuemation Printing

XML - Export Metamodel