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Language Support in Valuemation

As an internationally used application, Valuemation supports the use of multiple GUI languages. User-transparent, seamless switching between languages is internally a complex issue spanning diverse areas of Valuemation functionality. This results from the need to provide translations on several levels:

  • Translations of Business Objects and Attributes

    Names of the basic building blocks of the application, object types, and their attributes can be translated using the Valuemation 'Translation Editor'. The Translastion Editor is accessible from the main customize menu. Translations created in this way are stored in database table 'AMT_BOTRANSLATION'.

  • Translations of Application Text

    Most of the application GUI elements as well as other translatable components (actions, workflows, rules, views, value sets) are translated using the 'Translations of Application Text' functionality. These translations are administered by the 'Translations of Application Text' catalog accessible from the Valuemation Core sidebar. They can also be edited directly from respective Valuemation customizers.
    Translations of this type are stored in database table 'AMT_TRANSLATION'.

  • Sidebar Translations

    Catalogs and folders in the Valuemation sidebar can have user-specific translations. Sidebar translations are specified directly in the sidebar and referenced to the current user. They are stored in database table 'AMT_SIDEBARTRANS'.

  • Translations of Business Data

    It is possible to store business data in multiple languages and have Valuemation display only the data in the currently selected GUI language. Business data translations are stored in dedicated database tables existing in parallel with database tables of the translated object types. In the Valuemation context this feature is often referred to as 'Multilingual Support'.

    Multiple languages potentially using different character sets require the support of a universal character encoding. This need is currently best fulfilled by the Unicode standard. The use of Unicode in Valuemation has some intricacies described in the 'Unicode Support' section.

In This Chapter

Basic Language-related Operations

Translations Defined for Business Objects

Translations of Application Text

Translations of Catalogs and Folders in the Sidebar

Translations of Business Data

See Also

Inner Workings

Action Scheduler

Data Protection

Valuemation Escalation


Script Editor

Incremental Data Retrieval

Help Topic Assignments

Audit and History

Date and Time in Valuemation

VM Webservice for Starting a Workflow


Valuemation Web Services