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Help Topic Assignments

Valuemation html help can be made context-sensitive, in which case pressing the F1 key displays directly a help topic relevant to the currently active Valuemation window.

Assignment Levels

The implementation enables assignment on several levels of precision, ranging from the most general level of business views to the most precise level of individual workflow nodes. See 'The Assignments Hierarchy' for more information.

Assignment Tools

  • Help Key Assignments are administered via the 'Help Topic Assignments' catalog launched from the Valuemation Core side bar.
  • The actual assignment is done using the 'Help Topic Assignments' editor called from the 'Help Topic Assignments' catalog (context menu action 'Create' or double-click on an assignment for its editing).

Exporting the Assignment

Help key assignments can be exported in the form of an xml file. Use this file to share the assignments with other users, the build factory etc. See 'Sharing the Assignments' for more information.

In This Chapter


Assigning a Help Topic

Editing or Deleting an Assignment

Sharing the Assignments

About Help Paths

Project-specific Help Assignment

Annex1: Hierarchy With Examples

Annex2: Problems and Workarounds

See Also

Inner Workings

Action Scheduler

Data Protection

Language Support in Valuemation

Valuemation Escalation


Script Editor

Incremental Data Retrieval

Audit and History

Date and Time in Valuemation

VM Webservice for Starting a Workflow


Valuemation Web Services