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Action Scheduler

Valuemation Action Scheduler provides a simpler, more user-friendly alternative to the Escalation functionality. It enables scheduling of periodic actions and automating reactions to some simple events. The scheduler is built on Valuemation Business Process Manager but eschews its complexity.

To access the Action Scheduler, go to business view 'Valuemation Administration', sidebar section 'Other', folder 'Catalogs / Action Scheduling'.

The functionality is administered by two standard catalogs:

  • Scheduled Actions

    A catalog containing all existing scheduled actions. In Valuemation standard, the following predefined 'model' actions are provided:

    • Synchronize Resource Reservations - action used to synchronize reservations in Valuemation Resource Management
    • Create/Update Ticket Report Data - predefined scheduled running of standard sidebar action 'Update Ticket Report Data' (workflow 'IPC.Ticket.Escalation.TicketReportCreateUpdate' - update of a special table used for generating ticket reports)
    • Create/Update System Report Data - scheduled action for 'Asset Reports Calculation' predefined to run every day at midnight. By default its execution is disabled.
  • My Scheduled Actions

    A catalog containing scheduled actions created specifically by the current user.

    To create a scheduled action specifically for the current user, call the 'Schedule Action Wizard' from the 'My Scheduled Actions' catalog. Note that in such case fewer trigger and action channels are available for selection in the wizard. (See 'My Scheduled Actions' restrictions below.)

'My Scheduled Actions' restrictions

For security reasons more complex scheduling should be available only to the administrator. This intentional restriction is achieved by providing the full scope of possibilities only from the 'Scheduled Actions' catalog and using authorization to make this catalog available only to the administrator.

When the 'Schedule Action Wizard' is called from the 'My Scheduled Actions' catalog, the following restrictions apply:

  • Trigger Channels are limited to 'Date and Time' only
  • Action Channels are limited to 'Message', 'PDF Report' and 'Tasks'.

In This Chapter

Scheduler Basics

The Scheduled Actions Catalog

The Schedule Action Wizard

Editing a Scheduled Action

See Also

Inner Workings

Data Protection

Language Support in Valuemation

Valuemation Escalation


Script Editor

Incremental Data Retrieval

Help Topic Assignments

Audit and History

Date and Time in Valuemation

VM Webservice for Starting a Workflow


Valuemation Web Services