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Valuemation Unicode Support

The use of data in multiple languages with different character sets (or languages with special characters) spurs the need for a universal character encoding. This need is currently best fulfilled by the Unicode standard.

In this Valuemation Help chapter:

  • An overview of Valuemation Unicode support

    Different Valuemation areas require different approaches to the use of complex character sets:

  • Valuemation language-related settings
    • For string lengths checking to work properly, Valuemation must know about the code page used by the database (setting 'Database Character Encoding').
    • Individual object type attributes can be excluded from conversion to Unicode to prevent problems with MS SQL Server index column length (extended property 'UnicodeDisabled').
  • Detailed Technical Information

    The migration procedure, database specific considerations and technical details are covered by the following regularly updated document (englisch): Unicode Support and Migration Procedure

In This Chapter

Possible Types of Textual Data

GUI Translations

Business Data

Multilingual data

Database Character Encoding

Unicode disabled

See Also

Translations of Business Data

Multilingual Translations