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Translations of Business Data

Valuemation supports multiple languages, both at the GUI and data level.


  • Valuemation offers the possibility to rename the titles of attributes which appear on the GUI. This is done on the basis of business objects and is administered by the Business Object Translation Editor. The Translation Editor is called from the Customize menu. See section 'Translations of Business Objects and Attributes' for more information.
  • Translations of actions, workflows, rules, views and value sets are administered by the 'Translations of Application Text' functionality. The 'Translations of Application Text' catalog can be found in the Valuemation Core sidebar. See section 'Translations of Application Text' for more information.


In addition to GUI translations, it is also possible to store business data in multiple languages and have Valuemation display only the data in the currently selected GUI language.

  • This feature, called 'Multilingual Support', is the primary focus of this chapter.
  • Use of data in multiple languages with different character sets requires the support of Unicode character encoding.

In This Chapter

Multilingual Translations

Valuemation Unicode Support

See Also

Language Support in Valuemation

Basic Language-related Operations

Translations Defined for Business Objects

Translations of Application Text

Translations of Catalogs and Folders in the Sidebar