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Basic Language-related Operations

Most of language-related work lies in providing various types of translations - see corresponding parts of this help chapter for detailed description.

Additional language-related operations are:

  • Adding a new language

    Before translations can be specified, the required language must be added to the set of available languages.

  • Font support

    The default Valuemation font already supports languages with complex character sets. Under certain circumstances, though, it may be necessary to deal with font selection.

  • GUI language selection

    As the proverbial cherry on top of the customization efforts, the end user selects one of the available GUI languages.

In This Chapter

Adding a New Language

Font Support

GUI Language Selection

See Also

Language Support in Valuemation

Translations Defined for Business Objects

Translations of Application Text

Translations of Catalogs and Folders in the Sidebar

Translations of Business Data