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Price Conditions

Price conditions are the most important part of the pricing model. They specify how much is paid for one 'unit' of service depending on the amount of service ordered.

Price conditions are mandatory, a pricing model must have at least one pricing condition assigned.

Price conditions can be created directly from the 'Price Conditions' reference catalog of the Price Model editor.

  1. In the 'Price Conditions' reference catalog, call the 'Create' context menu action.
  2. The 'New: Price Condition' editor opens.

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    • Service Option - The service option with which the price condition is associated, e.g. Silver, Gold, etc.
      A price condition can be created without any service option assigned to it. See 'How Service Price Is Specified' for information on how price conditions with and without a service option interact.
    • Quantity From / Quantity To - Specify the amount of ordered service for which the price condition applies
    • Discount Rate - Specify the discount offered on the service (per cent)
    • Discount Not Included - Specifies if the discount is already reflected in the price or not
    • Minimum Amount - Amount of the service ordered below which nothing is charged
    • Minimum Cost - Minimum cost charged, i.e. even if the price based on ordered quantity was lower, the minimum cost would be charged instead
    • Settlement Price - Charge for setting up the service regardless of ordered amount, paid only once
    • Basic Price - Recurring charge for the service independent on the amount
  3. Specify the pricing model attributes and save the object.

See Also

Pricing Model

Creating a Pricing Model

How Service Price Is Specified

Default Pricing Model