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Creating a Pricing Model

Pricing Models can be administered using the Pricing Models catalogs found in the 'Service Model' section of the 'Service Level Manager' sidebar.

  1. Open a catalog of pricing models and call the 'Create' action.
  2. The 'New: Pricing Model' editor opens.

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    • Pricing Model No. - identification attribute
    • Description - a descriptive name for the price condition
    • Status - the current status of the pricing model. Select 'Draft' if creating a preliminary proposal or 'Approved' if the price condition is to be used straight away.
    • Accounting Period - the time intervals the service will be paid for
    • Currency - The currency in which the service will be paid.
    • Base Currency - Base Currency specified in Valuemation Global Settings is taken over.
  3. Specify the pricing model attributes and save the object.

See Also

Pricing Model

Price Conditions

How Service Price Is Specified

Default Pricing Model