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Plan Payment Generation

Plan Payment generation is administered using actions Regenerate Plan Payments called from the right-click context menu of the Plans catalog and Delete Plan Payments in context menu of the Plan Items referenced catalog of the Plan editor.

Help Image

  • Calculate Plan

    Recalculates percentage of distribution network, regenerate plan payment and calculates Distribution Costs. It also searches Report Configuration, if it finds the plan, it also generates the appropriate reports.

  • Delete Plan Payments

    Deletes all plan payments generated from this plan

  • Regenerate Plan Payments

    Basically refreshes all plan payments

Note: The Upload and Delete Plan Payments actions can also be called from the reference list of plan items in the Edit: Plan window. In this case, only payments for the selected plan items will be generated or deleted.

Three modes of plan payment generation are available:

  • Automatic

    If automatic payment upload is selected, payments are generated every time a plan item is changed.

  • Manual

    Manual payment upload means that payments are generated only when the action Upload Plan Payments is called.

  • Batch

    When a large number of payments is to be generated, a batch process running in the background or on a dedicated computer can be used.

Plan payments can be configured in the FINANCE MANAGER Setting window and in Valuemation Settings/Global Settings/Payments and Plan Payments.

The following topics provide general information on uploading and deleting payments.

In This Chapter

Generate Plan Payments

Delete Plan Payments

Upload Plan Payments Configuration

See Also

Planning and Plan Administration

Collecting Requirements

Plan Elaboration

Plan Execution

Creating a Plan

Creating Plan Items

Calculate Plan


Master Plan / Ongoing Plans / Actual Plan

Creating a Snapshot

Creating Plan Item Modifications

Plan Life Cycle

The Budget Plan Creation Process

Finance Manager Settings

ROI Calculations