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Plan Life Cycle
  • In Development

    When a plan is created, it is in In Development.

  • Proposed

    Once working on the plan is finished, it is assigned status Proposed. Once a plan is in status Proposed, it cannot be edited any more.

  • Approved / Disapproved

    A proposed plan may be Approved or Disapproved.

    • Once the plan has been Approved, it can be set as Master. Note that only one master plan may exist in a given plan horizon. When a plan is a master plan, fields master from - to are added to its edit view.
  • Query

    Query is an intermediary status from which the plan can either be proposed again or "sent for rework".

Help Image
The above image represents a simplified version of plan status diagram. For full status diagram (including Snapshot and Master states) see Plan Status Diagram.

In This Chapter

Changing the Plan Status

Plan Life Cycle Diagram

Plan Status Diagram

See Also

Planning and Plan Administration

Collecting Requirements

Plan Elaboration

Plan Execution

Creating a Plan

Creating Plan Items

Calculate Plan


Master Plan / Ongoing Plans / Actual Plan

Creating a Snapshot

Creating Plan Item Modifications

Plan Payment Generation

The Budget Plan Creation Process

Finance Manager Settings

ROI Calculations