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Managing Value Sets

Value Sets are sets of values presented to the user as options for entering an attribute. The availability of predefined values speeds up the process of data entry and increases its consistency.

There are 3 different types of Value Sets:

  • Fixed Value Sets

    A set of fixed values (constants). These are new values created in the process of value set customization. They are not linked to any table. Rather than in the database, the values are stored in Valuemation property files.

    For example, the attribute Title in the Business Object Person could have the following constants Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., etc.

  • Object Value Sets

    Oftentimes the values already exist in an attribute of another business object. In this case Object Value Set will be used. Object Value Set allows linking a value set to object type attributes. It is possible to define which object type attribute is to be displayed in the combo box and which attribute is to be used as a storable value.

  • Relation Object Value Sets

    Set of objects which are to be used in setting a relational attribute. It is possible to define which of the object type attributes will be displayed in the combo box. The storable value is always the primary key of the object.

In This Chapter

Value Set Browser

Value Set Customizer

Structure of the Value Set Customizer

Creating Value Sets

Value Set Translations

Different Value Sets for Different Views

Modules Tab

See Also

Customization Browser

Calling the Customization Browser

Customization Browser Window

Working with the Customization Browser

Managing Object Types

Managing Catalogs

Managing Views

Managing Relations

Managing Rules

Managing Calculations

Managing Rendering Sets