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Modules Tab

A value set may be assigned to some or all Valuemation modules. This assignment is administered on the Modules Tab of the Value Set Customizer.

Assigning a value set to a module has the following consequences:

  • The value set will be exported only with export of modules it is assigned to.
  • The value set is available only when at least one of the modules it is assigned to is set as Active in Settings > User Settings > Modules. This restriction applies only when Valuemation is run in the Module Restriction Mode (parameter -modulefilter -usermode). In this mode, only active modules are displayed and menus are filtered to contain only options assigned to these modules. This mode is usually used only in order to verify module assignment.

Structure of the Modules Tab

The Modules tab is divided into the following sections:

  • Value Set Components (values)

    In addition to the value set itself, the leftmost pane of the Modules tab also provides a list of its individual values for separate assignment of each value to a module. This way it is possible to include or exclude a value from the value set when used within a particular module.

  • Available Modules

    List of Valuemation modules available for assignment.

  • Active Modules

    List of modules to which the value set / value currently selected in the left-most pane is assigned to.

Use the arrow buttons found between Available Modules and Active Modules to alter the assignment.

See Also

Managing Value Sets

Value Set Browser

Value Set Customizer

Structure of the Value Set Customizer

Creating Value Sets

Value Set Translations

Different Value Sets for Different Views