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Catalog vs. Editor

In Valuemation, a catalog is used to display a collection of objects of one object type. A view/editor displays just data contained in one of the objects of the same object type.

For example, let's consider the Facility object type. This object type is meant to store information on company buildings or building complexes. Each particular building then represents one object of the Facility object type.

For the object type a number of catalogs and views may be defined:

  • Catalogs will be used to view listed collections of Facilities (all data on all facilities, all data on all facilities in a given area, a limited selection of data on all facilities - just to give a few examples.)
  • Views will be used to display and edit single objects of the Facility object type. Different custom-defined views may be used for different purposes (browsing objects with full information given, basic data entry with limited number of fields used, advanced data entry, etc.).

See Also


Structure of the Editor: The Classic View

Structure of the Editor: The Section View

Editors in Detail