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Global Functions Example

Let's consider a catalog of incidents and use a global function to quickly filter the catalog so that it only displays incidents reported no more than 3 days ago.

  1. Open the catalog.
  2. Make the search section at the top of the catalog visible and switch to the complex search mode.

    Help Image
    An incidents catalog with the complex search section visible.

  3. Use the 'Create Row' button to create a row in which a new filter condition will be specified.
  4. Click in the 'Attribute' column and select the 'Date Reported: date and time' attribute.
  5. Click in the 'Operator' column and select the 'equals or greater' operator.
  6. Click in the 'Value' column. The 'Values' dialog opens. Make sure that the 'Value' radio button is selected and check the 'Use global function' check box.
  7. Use the drop down box in the 'Values' dialog to select a suitable global function. In this example it is global function '_3DaysAgo()'.

    Help Image
    Specifying the global function. The current datetime will be taken as reference.

  8. Click 'Close' to finalize the value selection.
  9. Click 'Search' in the search catalog section. The catalog will be filtered to display only incidents reported 3 days ago or later.

    Help Image
    The catalog filtered according to the global function in respect to the current datetime.

See Also

Global Functions

Global Functions in Use