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The “ZEXEC TCP-interface” is a standardized, universally available program for bidirectional exchange of data between the ZIS-System and other systems. The ZEXEC-program is available for all popular operating systems (Unix, Linux, Windows, z/OS) and can be used by every application which is capable of executing an external call to a program. For bidirectional communication there is a ZEXEC daemon which is to install on a target system and which processes incoming ZEXEC-calls from the ZIS-System.

A ticket of the class “Incident” that has been created automatically by ZIS under no circumstance can be closed / finished by the ZIS-System. It is intended that there must be a person at the end of the whole process chain who decides about such an important action. (whether an incident reported from ZIS really is to regard as solved or not)

Assumed that an user of Valuemation currently is editing a ticket which originally has been created by ZIS while ZIS causes an UPDATE action on that ticket there is the question, how to deal with that. In such a case Valuemation immediately has to lock this ticket for the editing user and grant the ZIS-System priority. Why? Because there is a risk that the user might change the ticket on the basis of time-worn information. The ZIS-System might know more than the user and Valuemation has to ensure that all changes must take place when the current status of a ticket is known by the user. So when a user is about to save changes on an incident-ticket and ZIS reports a new update on that ticket, Valuemation instantly locks the “SAVE”-action (“OK”- and “APPLY”-button) and informs the user that ZIS has changed something concerning the opened ticket. A message box saying “Could not save your changes. In the meantime ZIS has updated this ticket.” would be sufficient.

The EPI also functions as a buffer for both parties (ZIS and Valuemation). If the ZIS-System is down the EPI has to wait for a positive signal until it sends a message to ZIS, because otherwise the message would get lost (blindly dispatched). Therefore the EPI has to check the running of the system with which it wants to communicate before sending any data to it.

See Also


Communication Flow Between VM and ZIS

Interation Between Valuemation and ZIS

General Description

Details on the communication between involved parties


SMDB / CMDB Synchronization

Getting the current ZIS-Status