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SMDB / CMDB Synchronization

The ZIS System also enables you to perform monitoring and synchronization with Service Management database (SMDB) and Configuration Management database (CMDB).

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The schema shows the SMDB / CMDB synchronization with Valuemation:

  • On the left, you can see Valuemation with Service Management.
  • On the right, the monitoring part (ZIS) is shown.

Please see also:

  • The 'Monitoring' topic in the Asset Management.
  • The 'Service Instances' topic in the Service Portfolio/Service Level Management.

Generic Interface Definition

What exactly is part of the synchronization will be defined and configured in the Valuemation interface definition.

Help Image

Everything for SMDB/CMDB synchronization or interface definition (including the mapping in interface attributes) is defined in this data record.

See Also


Communication Flow Between VM and ZIS

Interation Between Valuemation and ZIS

General Description

Details on the communication between involved parties



Getting the current ZIS-Status