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Communication Flow Between VM and ZIS

Three different ways of bi-directional communication between ZIS and Valuemation exist:

  1. VM-Creation: ZIS System automatically creates a ticket in Valuemation after an event unit raises an event
  2. VM-Update: ZIS System automatically updates/closes a ticket in Valuemation after an event unit raises an event and the event unit already created a ticket
  3. ZIS-Update: Valuemation automatically changes an event unit after a ticket was changed.

Interaction between Valuemation & ZIS

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Diagram explanation:


The Interaction


ZIS System receives a message information from the monitored system. ZIS system decides whether to raise an alarm or not and wether to create a ticket in Valuemation or not.


ZIS System decides that a ticket has to be created: ZIS System sends to Valuemation the Event Unit ID, a CREATE-flag, a ticket short text, the ticket long description and a UserID to Valuemation. In Valuemation, a ticket will be created with the following data:

* Ticket ID (Nummer) = created by Valuemation

* Status = „erfasst (IN)“

* Ticket short text (Ticketkurztext) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* Ticket long description (Hauptbeschreibung) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* ZIS_Reference ID = Message Unit received from ZIS System (for future reference)

* UserID = received from ZIS-System

* UserName according UserID. If not found = „ZIS-System Operating“

* Date = system date


ZIS System decides that a ticket has to be updated_ZIS System sends to Valuemation the Event Unit ID, an UPDATE-flag, a ticket short text, the ticket long description and a UserID. In Valuemation the ticket which corresponds to the Event Unit ID (ZIS_Reference_ID) will be updated with a newly created ticket description (new Ticketbeschreibung) with the following data:

* Status will be updated to = „in Bearbeitung (IN)“

* Description ticket short text (Ticketkurztext) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* Long description (Beschreibung) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* UserID of ticket description = received from ZIS-System

* User data of ticket description according UserID. If not found = „ZIS-System Operating“

ZIS System decides that a ticket has to be closed (erledigt). ZIS System sends to Valuemation the Event Unit ID, an UPDATE-flag, a ticket short text, the ticket long description and a UserID. In VM the ticket, that correspondends with the Event Unit ID (ZIS_Reference_ID) will be updated with a newly created ticket description with the following data and the status will be changed to „erledigt (IN)“:

* Status will be updated to = „erledigt (IN)“

* Description ticket short text (Ticketkurztext) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* Long description (Beschreibung) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* UserID of ticket description = received from ZIS-System

* User data of ticket description according UserID. If not found = „ZIS-System Operating“


After the user acknowledged an alarm of an event where a ticket has been created: ZIS Systems informs Valuemation about the acknowledgment with an acknowledgment (update) message: ZIS System sends to Valuemation the Event Unit ID, an UPDATE-flag, a ticket short text („Alarm was acknowledged“), the ticket long description (Hauptbeschreibung) and a UserID. In Valuemation the ticket which corresponds to the Event Unit ID (ZIS_Reference_ID) will be updated with a newly created ticket description with the following data and the status will be changed to „übernommen (IN)“:

* Status will be updated to = „übernommen (IN)“

* Description ticket short text (Ticketkurztext) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* Long description (Beschreibung) like in corresponding message text from ZIS

* UserID of ticket description = received from ZIS-System

* User data of ticket description according UserID. If not found = „ZIS-System Operating“


The user solves in Valuemation the incident created by the ZIS-System. After setting the status to „gelöst“, Valuemation notifies ZIS-System with the corresponding ZIS_Reference_ID. ZIS-System changes the status of the Event Unit identified by the ZIS_Reference_ID which changes the status color in ZIS SLM.

See Also


Interation Between Valuemation and ZIS

General Description

Details on the communication between involved parties



SMDB / CMDB Synchronization

Getting the current ZIS-Status