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Customizer Settings

The page provides miscellaneous global customization settings.

  • Show Protocol fields in Catalog and View Customizers

    Specifies whether the protocol fields in a business object should be made available in the customizer. The Protocol fields are fields containing information about when and by whom the object was created and last altered (USERCRE,DATCRE,USERCHG,DATCHG). If this checkbox is set to true, then these fields are available in the Catalog and View Customizers and can be selected to be displayed in catalogs and views.

  • Show fields from other sessions

    If selected, the attribute tree in customizers will also show relational fields whose target object type is based on a different session (typically a different database).

Protocol Fields Usage in Customization

For background information, please see the Customization Logging help section.

  • Modify protocol fields in root objects

    Select this check box to turn on propagation of changes from component technical objects to root technical objects. See How it Works in Logging of Changes in Technical Business Objects for an explanation.

  • Log Changes in root objects

    Select this check box to turn on logging of the root object changes (either propagated from the component objects or made directly in the root object).

  • Warn before modification

    Select this check box to turn on notification of past changes - warning messages displayed whenever a user tries to modify a technical object which has been modified by a different user or with a different purpose. See Use: Notification of past changes for an explanation.

  • Log imported files

    Select this check box (default value) to turn on logging of XML import/export into the Customization Log.

Export to Text

These settings influence the Export to Text action which makes it possible to export a catalog to a txt, csv or prn file. The action can be launched from catalog context menu (either from an opened catalog or from the catalog icon in the sidebar).

  • Include header

    If selected, catalog header with attribute names will be included in the exported text file.

  • Translate header

    If selected, attribute names in the header of the exported text file will be translated (translation of attribute names may or may not be desirable).

  • Trim spaces from left

    If selected, leading spaces of string values are removed before export.

  • Trim spaces from right

    If selected, trailing spaces of string values are removed before export.

  • Export only visible columns

    If selected, only columns visible in the catalog are exported. Otherwise both hidden and visible columns are exported.

  • Export only non-collection columns

    When checked, only non-collection columns will be exported. Non-collection columns are columns showing a single value rather than a collection of values. Example: in the 'Systems' catalog, 'Installed Components' is a collection column because it can contain multiple values. Such columns are not exported to avoid problems with large amounts of data.

    Note: When the 'Show dialog before export' option is selected, it is possible to make the same setting in the configuration dialog box shown before catalog export.

  • Strip new-line characters (CRLF)

    If selected, CR LF characters are removed from each value and single space is used instead. It allows the exported file to be easy readable by Excel and other tools (otherwise the result would be broken in these cases).

  • Show dialog before export

    If selected, a dialog box for setting up Export to Text parameters is displayed before the export. Otherwise the dialog box is not shown and the export is controlled by Global Settings options.

  • Sort also by the primary key

    If selected, objects in the output text file will be sorted not only by sort criteria explicitly specified in the catalog which is being exported, but also by the primary key. Choose this option to ensure output consistency, i.e. to ensure that objects will always be exported in the same order.
    If set to false, objects in the output text file will be sorted only by the explicitly specified sort criteria (or will not be sorted at all if no sort criteria is specified in the catalog). This may speed up the export process, especially if catalogs with large numbers of objects are exported. Choose this option in order to improve export performance and if output consistency (maintaining the same order of objects in every output) is not relevant to you.

  • Read increment

    The number of objects read from the database in one batch. The default value is 300, recommended value is between 100 and 300. Setting the number to a higher value may slow down the process of catalog export (for catalogs with a large number of objects).

  • Character encoding

    Character encoding used in the exported file. If not specified, Windows-1252 (Windows Latin-1) encoding is used by default. Set to UTF-8 to export data in Asian languages. See also the CSV Export chapter.


  • Display warnings in check in customizer windows

    This option influences which problems found by metamodel check will trigger the display of an error/warning dialog during customizer opening.

    When an object type, view or catalog is opened for editing in the respective customizer, metamodel check on the data is performed in the background. If any problems are found, a dialog gets displayed during customizer opening. Two problem levels can trigger the dialog:

    • Error - a serious problem possibly impacting the application functioning, high severity
    • Warning - a problem of lower severity

    If the 'Display warnings in check in customizer windows' check box is selected, both errors and warnings trigger the dialog display. If the check box is cleared, only errors trigger the dialog.

  • Keep Script History

    If selected, backups of original workflow script is kept after workflow script modifications (in the Script Editor or by importing a file). Script history can be seen in the History tab of the Script Editor. Not only can you see older versions of the script (including by whom, when and why it was modified) but you can also open them in read-only mode and compare them in an external compare tool. When editing script tasks (BPM), the History tab shows all script task from all process versions.

Note: The database character set parameter has been removed from Global Settings > Customizer Settings. It is detected at run time instead. This effectively prevents problems with the string length check (missing or false warnings). Additionally, when importing an XML with a new persistent object type or a new persistent attribute, the database dependent values for 'Column length (bytes)' and 'Unicode', the importer will use the real value detected in the DB rather then the possibly incorrect one in the XML.

See Also


Basic Settings


Business Keys

Password Settings

Validation Settings


Application Monitoring

Date, Time and Time Zones


Web Server

Web Client



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