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Web Client

The page provides Web client related settings.

Mode of catalog search / copy handling

This setting influences so called Column Search in Valuemation catalogs, namely the availability of drag and drop condition creation. Two mutually exclusive modes are available: either it is possible to create column search nodes by dragging a value from the catalog to the column search definition area, or it is possible to copy cell values from the catalog.

  • Drag&Drop Search

    Selecting this radio button enables drag and drop creation of column search conditions. With this option selected, it will not be possible to copy catalog cell values.

  • Copy of cell values

    Selecting this radio button enables copying of cell values in catalogs. With this option selected, drag and drop creation of column search conditions will not be available.

Popup Window Settings

  • Default width
  • Default height

    Settings specifying the default width and height of catalogs and editors opened as popup windows (see below for more information). This default setting applies if no width and height is specified for the popup mode of a specific catalog or editor (Catalog Customizer/General/Popup window settings, View Customizer/Group Layout/Popup Window tab).

  • Catalog modes using popup windows by default

    In Valuemation Web, catalogs and editors can be opened as a popup window. Whether or not a catalog/editor opens as a popup window is determined by a combinations of the following settings:

    • Global Settings/General/Web Client: Catalog modes using popup windows by default

      Catalogs in catalog modes selected here open by default as a popup window. Currently only 'Select' catalog mode can be specified for this default behaviour.

      Note that this default behaviour can be overruled by workflow node settings described below.

    • Workflow node 'Open Catalog View'/Properties/Open in popup window
    • Workflow node 'Open Object in editor'/Properties/Open in popup window

      Specify if the particular catalog or editor opened by the workflow activity will open as a popup window.

    Restrictive settings (i.e. True and False, the first two points below) made in the workflow node properties take precedence over global setting:

    • If 'Open in popup window' in workflow node properties is set to True, then the window (catalog or editor) will open as a popup regardless of the catalog mode (i.e. regardless of the Global Setting).
    • If 'Open in popup window' in workflow node properties is set to False, then the window will not open as a popup regardless of the catalog mode.
    • If 'Open in popup window' in workflow node properties is set to a 'grayed out&checked' state, then the window will or will not open as a popup depending on its mode and the Global Setting.

See Also


Basic Settings


Business Keys

Password Settings

Customizer Settings

Validation Settings


Application Monitoring

Date, Time and Time Zones


Web Server



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