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Toast Message

This page provides settings of hardcoded Toast Messages.

  • Hardcoded

    Enables or disables the hardcoded toast messages.

    An example of the hardcoded Toast Message includes a newly created bookmark notification or a notification of a Smart Tile move on the Home Perspective.

    If the check box is clear, these messages are not displayed.

    Note: This settings does not affect messages which are issued from workflows (i.e. the Customized Toast Messages).

  • Position

    Determines the position of the Toast Message notification.

    You can select the corners or the middle part of the application window. You can also have the message displayed in full width at the top or bottom of the window.

There are 4 types of Toast Messages: Info, Success, Warning and Error.

For each type, you can make the following settings:

  • Duration

    The length of time that the message lasts.

    Here you can specify the timeout in seconds that can be used to auto dismiss the toast notification.

    If 0 is defined, the message will not disappear automatically but needs to be clicked on to fade away.

  • Color

    The background color of the message.

    Click the adjacent button and set the desired color using the Color Picker.

  • Icon

    Path to an icon.

    This is the icon which appears in the left part of the message.

    Examples of default icons for Info, Success, Warning and Error messages:

    Help Image

  • Reset to Defaults

    Use if you want to reset your settings to the application default settings.

See Also


Basic Settings


Business Keys

Password Settings

Customizer Settings

Validation Settings


Application Monitoring

Date, Time and Time Zones


Web Server

Web Client

