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Validation Settings

Validation settings influence how TRL relations (time-related links between objects) are validated. The information contained in time related links is used by the history of object links in referenced catalogs. For instance, the 'Components connected' reference catalog in the view of a system can display all components which are or have been connected to the system, only components connected to the system in the past or only components connected to the system at the present.

Validation of TRL relations can be modified by the following parameters:

  • Validation type

    Specifies which TRL relations are validated when a business object is saved:

    • All - all TRL relations are checked when an object is saved.
    • Modified - only the recently modified TRL relations are checked.
    • None - TRL relations are not checked when an object is saved.

The following check boxes specify what types of "TRL irregularity" which is checked (by metamodel check and during object saving):

  • Validate uncovered links

    The application checks if current assignment to another object exists. For example, if a component currently belongs to a system.

  • Validate Gaps

    The application checks if time intervals when the object was not assigned to another object exist in the object's history. For example, if there were times in the history of a component when the component did not belong to any system (i.e. not even a 'stock' system).

  • Validate Collisions

    The application checks the existence of concurrent assignments of the object to other objects.

Please note that:

  • Settings 'Validation type' and 'Validate gaps/uncovered links/conflicts' apply to object saving. For instance, when 'Validation type' is set to 'modified' and only the 'Validate conflicts' check box is selected, than these checks are performed on object save and an error message gets displayed if a recently modified object has conflicting assignments.
  • Settings 'Validate gaps/uncovered links/conflicts' additionally apply to metamodel check. During metamodel check, all TRL relations are validated and those which exhibit problems selected by the 'Validate gaps/uncovered links/conflicts' check boxes get reported. This can be used, for example, when a huge amount of inconsistent data is being validated. In such case, clearing the 'Validate uncovered links' check box would filter out reported uncovered links and enable concentrating on conflicts first.

See Also


Basic Settings


Business Keys

Password Settings

Customizer Settings


Application Monitoring

Date, Time and Time Zones


Web Server

Web Client



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