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Application Monitoring

In this section, it is possible to enable monitoring of user sessions and Audit and History.

Event Logging

Event Logging in Valuemation provides the possibility to collect information about how the application is being used. The data is stored in the database and can be viewed using the 'Event Log' catalog or in specialized InfoObjects.

  • Enabled

    Set the check box to True to enable Event Logging. In standard Valuemation, event logging is disabled by default.

  • Encrypt User ID, Exclude Users

    User-related information is part of event logging and user activity can be observed via the records. If this a problem, 'Encrypt User ID' and 'Exclude Users' can be used.

    • Encrypt User ID

      'Encrypt User ID' can be used to obfuscate user identity. If enabled, then the relation to the user is not stored with log entries. Only user login ID in an encrypted form is stored instead. As a result, only a hexadecimal string from which the actual user cannot be recognized can be seen as part of event log information.

    • Exclude Users

      It is also possible to completely exclude some users from event logging. This can be used not only for users with a serious paranoia issues, but also to exclude so called "technical users", i.e. virtual users used by some application elements (such as the process engine or escalation), which could potentially create lots of data of little or no value for user behaviour analysis.

  • More

    Click the 'More' button to see a list of events which can be selected for logging. The events can be divided into three categories:

User Sessions Logging

  • Logging enabled

    Globally enables logging of information about user sessions. The logging is further specified by other parameters displayed on this page.

  • Log also unsuccessful logins

    Enables logging of login attempts containing an unknown user name (including those authenticated through the SSO methods) or an invalid password.

  • Client check time interval

    Time interval in which the Valuemation client refreshes information about user sessions.

  • Timeout for marking of inactive sessions

    Time interval for marking a user session inactive when there is no refresh from the client.

Persistent Logging

  • Language for persistent logging

    Selection of the language used for persistent logging of critical Valuemation processes. This logging can only be used from workflow scripts by using API method 'persistentLogMessage' in the API Class Application. (See API Documentation for details.)

  • Enable logging for level

    Determines the depth of logging, ranging from only the most serious problems to the most detailed logging.

    The following options are available:

    • Exception
    • Error
    • Warnings
    • Info
    • Config
    • Debug
    • Debug with more detail
    • Debug with the most detail

    Note: The information logged according to the above described settings can be viewed in the following catalogs: Connected Users, All User Sessions, Unsuccessful Logins, Active Workflows. All of these catalogs can be found in the Application Monitoring folder of Valuemation Core sidebar.

Audit and History

Please see also the 'Audit and History' chapter for the background information.

  • Enable Audit

    Selecting this option globally enables the audit functionality. Note that auditing is enabled on two levels:

    • Globally - using this 'Enable Audit' check box in 'Global Setings'
    • Specifically for each object type - using check box 'Enable Audit of Object Type' on the 'Audit' tab of 'Object Type Customizer'.

    Auditing of an object type is performed only when it is enabled for the object type (and its given attributes) and also enabled globally. Note that the Rich Client and/or Web Server have to be restarted for the setting to apply.

  • Enable also audit of newly created objects

    Selecting 'Enable also audit of newly created objects' extends auditing also to newly created objects. Note that 'Enable Audit' must be selected.

    When 'Enable Audit' is selected and 'Enable also audit of newly created objects' is deselected, only changes to already existing objects are recorded. When both 'Enable Audit' and 'Enable also audit of newly created objects' are selected, then both creation of objects and changes made to objects are recorded.

    A separate option to enable/disable auditing of object creation is provided because when an object is created, the audit contains information on all its attributes (unlike object editing when only information about the edited attributes is stored) which could possibly lead to large data quantities being saved as a result of the audit process.Audit archived objects

    When enabled, objects archived via Valuemation Data Archiving are also audited. For each audit-enabled archived object, one audit record is created. Note that because objects are archived together with their related objects (see the 'Data Archiving' chapter for details), large amounts of audit records may get created and the archiving process may suffer a performance loss.

  • Audit Archiving, Deletion and Anonymization of Objects

    When enabled, audit records are also created for each archived, deleted and anonymized object. Note that enabling this option may have adverse performance consequences due to huge amounts of additional data being created.

  • Audit User Manager Activities

    When enabled, any user-related changes (e.g. change of the name, password , changes in groups/roles...) in the User Manager will be recorded into the history tables. (The history of changes can be viewed using the 'Show History' buttons on the corresponding tabs of the User Manager.)

  • History Bank

    The parameter selects the history bank for tracking of changes in the User Manager. Currently there are 16 history banks available.

See Also


Basic Settings


Business Keys

Password Settings

Customizer Settings

Validation Settings


Date, Time and Time Zones


Web Server

Web Client



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