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The page provides settings for Valuemation 'News' functionality.

  • Automatic Refresh Time for News (Minutes)

    see orig, the same

  • Default Validity of the News (Days)

    Specifies how many days after its creation each news remains valid, i.e. displayed in the news popup of its target users. (Remains in the catalog, however.)

  • Maximum Number of News Visible in the Toolbar Popup

    Specifies how many news are displayed in the News popup when the popup opens. More news can be seen by clicking the 'Show More..' link at the bottom of the popup.

  • Format of News Bubble

    Specifies how the unread news count is displayed as part of the News toolbar button. Two options are available:

    • number of unread news only
    • number of unread news / number of all news
  • Sort Order of News

    Specifies the order of news in the popup. Available options are:

    • Visible from Descending - descending order according to the 'Visibility' attribute of the news object. Latest at the bottom.
    • Visible from Ascending - ascending order according to the 'Visibility' attribute of the news object. Latest at the top (*).
    • Alphabetical Ascending - ascending alphabetical order according to the news title.
    • Alphabetical Descending - descending alphabetical order according to the news title.

    (*) Regardless of sorting order, pinned news is always displayed at the top of the list.

  • Is 'Like' Allowed

    Select this check box to make the 'Like' action available in the right-click context menu in the news popup.

  • Is 'Dislike' Allowed

    Select this check box to make the 'Dislike' action available in the right-click context menu in the news popup.

  • Is 'Unpin' Allowed

    Select this check box to make the 'Unpin' action available in the right-click context menu in the news popup. If deselected, only the news creator (or rather the person who can open the news in the 'News' editor) can unpin the pinned news.

For creation and administration of news and news channels, see help section 'News Administration'.

See Also


Basic Settings


Business Keys

Password Settings

Customizer Settings

Validation Settings


Application Monitoring

Date, Time and Time Zones


Web Server

Web Client


Toast Message