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CSV Export

In order to export Valuemation objects as a CSV file:

  1. Open a catalog
  2. Select the records to be exported and select 'Export to Text File' from the right-click context menu. The 'Setup Export to Text File Parameters' window opens. (For this window to open, the 'Show dialog before export' option in Customizer Settings must be checked, see above.)
    • Include Header

      Should catalog header be part of the export? If so, should translated or untranslated names be used? In some situations keeping the column names untranslated may be beneficial (easier identify the relevant relations).

    • Export Columns

      Which catalog columns should be exported?' Export only visible columns' to obtain data corresponding to the current catalog display, 'Export both visible and hidden columns' to obtain data corresponding to the actual catalog structure.

    • Export Objects

      Should only currently selected objects be exported? If 'Export all objects' is chosen, then the current catalog filter is still taken into account. (Make sure to remove the filter if you really want to export ALL catalog objects.)

    • Trim Spaces

      If there are spaces at the beginning (leading spaces) or end (trailing spaces) of individual entries, should they be discarded? (Leading and trailing spaces may be undesirable e.g. when trying to identify duplicates in the resulting file.)

    • Strip new-line characters (CRLF)

      If checked, CRLF characters are removed and a simple space is added instead. This allows some(most) text viewers like Excel to read the values correctly.

  3. Click 'Ok' to finalize the export. Standard Windows 'Save' dialog gets opened with name of the file pre-filled on the basis of catalog name and export option (e.g. 'Support group - selected objects.csv').

Note: Format of exported data (delimiters, datetime format) is governed by the language currently selected in Valuemation at the moment of export. This data is however taken from the OS by default.

Export to Text Function and the Encoding Issues

The 'Export to Text' function is currently using the "Cp1252" encoding by default because just this type of coding allows a user to open the exported text file with umlauts (e.g. Ü, Ö, Ë...) in MS Excel correctly.

A new parameter 'Character Encoding' was introduced in Global Settings at the same time. The parameter is used by the 'Export to Text' function and enables users to change the coding according to their requirements (for instance, users with an asian language usage have to set this parameter to some Unicode encoding such as "UTF-8"). The default value of parameter is "Cp1252".

See Also


CSV Import

About CSV Files

Example: Importing Plan Items