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Structure of Workflows

It is important to distinguish between the definition of a workflow (known as a metaworkflow) and one specific runtime occurrence of that workflow (the workflow instance).


A MetaWorkflow (with its MetaNodes and MetaTransitions) is the template for workflow instances. It holds all information needed to run the workflow.

Workflow instance

  • Workflow Instances are collections of Node instances.
  • Node Instances are connected by Transition instances.

The workflow instance itself holds the runtime information about the workflow (nodes and transition states) and the actual data passed between nodes.

Note: Usually, each MetaNode represents a separate database transaction (also called Logical Unit of Work). Where necessary, it is possible to use the transaction of a previous node – this can be set in the transition properties.

In This Chapter

How It Works



Types of Workflows

Data Flow Between Nodes and Workflows

Persistent and Transient Workflows

Workflows and Authorization

See Also


What is a Workflow

Workflows Usage

Workflow Definitions Catalog

A Workflow at Runtime

Workflow Creation Tool (WCT)

Template Workflows

Workflow Translations

Activities Overview

Workflow Debugging

Calling A WebService Using Workflow

Script Libraries