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A MetaNode represents a step in a MetaWorkflow.

Every MetaNode contains a specific activity. An activity is a simple specific task. Valuemation itself supplies a range of parameterized activities, which allow the workflow to be completely integrated into the Valuemation GUI itself. In most cases, it represents a task to be carried out by a user or by the system.

A MetaNode also supplies input parameters for the MetaActivity, those are referred to as the activity parameters.

Each MetaNode is assigned to one MetaWorkflow. Two MetaNodes are connected by MetaTransitions. The MetaNode also holds information about the incoming and outgoing data which will be carried by the MetaTransitions.

Note: Where necessary, a new activity can be written in the form of a JYTHON script.

In This Chapter

Node Properties

See Also

Structure of Workflows

How It Works


Types of Workflows

Data Flow Between Nodes and Workflows

Persistent and Transient Workflows

Workflows and Authorization