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Data Flow Between Nodes and Workflows

The data between two nodes and/or workflows are transferred in two basic ways:

Passing Data Directly though Transitions

Values are passed from the selected output on the source node to the selected input on the target node. The types of data of the input/output argument must match (this is checked by the workflow engine on creation where possible).

However, the compatibility of some object types (e.g. the general “java.lang.object”) can only be resolved at runtime. For this reason a second check takes places during runtime. An exception is displayed if the engine detects incompatible parameters.

Note: It is also possible to use custom parameters of scripts / subworkflows which can be passed through the default input / output parameters (see also Alternative Names).

Shared Values Map

Some workflows may share values using a special transfer area called the Shared Values Map. The Shared Values Map can be used to store user values under keys and is filled automatically by certain GUI dialogs (for more information see the Shared Values (Hash Map) topic).

See Also

Structure of Workflows

How It Works



Types of Workflows

Persistent and Transient Workflows

Workflows and Authorization