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Workflows Usage

Workflows can be used to guide and help the user to perform exactly the task required.

Workflows can help to minimize the amount of Valuemation know-how that a typical user needs to work efficiently. This reduces the necessary training time and also reduces the anxiety about learning a new application. All this is particularly relevant for infrequent or occasional users.

A workflow can guide users through particular actions without confronting them with the application-specific terminology and structures. In some cases, users do not even have to use Valuemation itself. It may be enough to send an e-mail or a message to become involved in the process. This can dramatically improve the effectiveness of business processes by involving the right people at the right time.

In order to use the same workflow with minor differences and keep the original one, there was the need to copy the workflow and make the changes in the new one. This resulted in extreme counts of workflows that were nearly the same (with minor changes). To solve this, Template Workflows have been created.

In This Chapter

Examples of Typical Basic Usages of Workflows

See Also


What is a Workflow

Workflow Definitions Catalog

Structure of Workflows

A Workflow at Runtime

Workflow Creation Tool (WCT)

Template Workflows

Workflow Translations

Activities Overview

Workflow Debugging

Calling A WebService Using Workflow

Script Libraries