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Activities Overview

An activity is a step within a workflow performing a specific operation when a node is triggered.

Activities are implemented through the following Meta and instance classes in the source code:

? de.usu.s3.workflow.meta.activities

? de.usu.s3.workflow.activities


There are four groups of activities. The first two groups form the bulk of all activities.

Window Component

Function / Meaning


A system activity is triggered automatically by the workflow engine. However, that does not mean that user interaction will not be needed for the activity to complete.


A user activity is started by a user.


Special activities which allow Valuemation workflows to be embedded in the Valuemation User Interface. These activities are used to pass information from the interface to the workflow.


Evaluates a condition.



In the List of Activities chapter, you can find a detailed description of standard activities divided according to their purpose/way of use.

If none of the standard activities provides exactly the functionality required, it is possible to create your own activity.

In This Chapter

Activity Parameters

Node Properties

List of Activities

See Also


What is a Workflow

Workflows Usage

Workflow Definitions Catalog

Structure of Workflows

A Workflow at Runtime

Workflow Creation Tool (WCT)

Template Workflows

Workflow Translations

Workflow Debugging

Calling A WebService Using Workflow

Script Libraries