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Calling A WebService Using Workflow

By a web service we understand a software function provided over the web or the cloud. It is possible to call a web service in Valuemation. Typically, a 'wsdl' file is provided. Then the following needs to be done:

  1. Get WSDL in file form, get the wsdl location
  2. Generate the soap client (CXF)
  3. Integrate the client in Valuemation
  4. Write a workflow 'calling' the web service

In This Chapter

Get the WSDL

Generate The SOAP Client

Integrate the Jar File

Create the Workflow

See Also


What is a Workflow

Workflows Usage

Workflow Definitions Catalog

Structure of Workflows

A Workflow at Runtime

Workflow Creation Tool (WCT)

Template Workflows

Workflow Translations

Activities Overview

Workflow Debugging

Script Libraries