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Workflow Definitions Catalog

Workflows can be created, altered, and browsed in the Workflow Definitions catalog, which can be opened from the side bar.

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Opening the Workflows Definitions catalog from side bar

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Workflow Definitions catalog

The Workflow Definitions catalog provides the following controls by default:

Window Component

Function / Meaning


Toggles the lock of the highlighted workflow(s).


Opens the Exporter to export the selected workflow(s).


Closes the Workflow Definitions catalog.

The catalog displays the following columns:

Window Component

Function / Meaning

Translated Name

Translated name of the workflow.


Name of the workflow.


This check-box is checked if the workflow has been locked against use and editing by other users. You can uncheck it by clicking the “Lock/Unlock” button. See Unlocking Workflows for more information.

Translated Description

Full description of the workflow.

In This Chapter

Unlocking Workflows

See Also


What is a Workflow

Workflows Usage

Structure of Workflows

A Workflow at Runtime

Workflow Creation Tool (WCT)

Template Workflows

Workflow Translations

Activities Overview

Workflow Debugging

Calling A WebService Using Workflow

Script Libraries