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Calling the User Manager

You can run User Manager from the Settings menu on Valuemation menu bar.

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User Manager window comprises the following tabs:

  • Users

    Here you can manage Valuemation users and copy settings among users.

  • Person Mapping

    You can map users to business objects of Person type here.

  • Groups

    You can manage groups of users on this tab.

  • Group Mapping

    You can map/unmap existing users to selected groups on this tab.

  • Roles

    Here you can manage the Valuemation roles.

  • Role Mapping

    It allows you to map/unmap users and groups from selected roles.

  • Business View Mapping

    It allows you to map/unmap users and groups from the selected Business View.

  • Clients

    You can create and edit Valuemation clients on this tab.

  • Client Mapping

    You can map/unmap users from selected clients.

  • Import

    Here you can import users and groups from a predefined LDAP server.

At the bottom of the User Manager window, you can see following three buttons:

  • Search Users

    Runs a search dialog that allows you to narrow down the selection of users in the Table of users, according to search criteria. This selection works for all sheets in the User Manager.

  • Apply

    Applies all changes made so far.

  • Close

    Closes the User Manager window.

See Also

Working with User Manager



Group Mapping


Role Mapping

Business View Mapping

Business View view


Client Mapping
