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Grouping Nodes and Levels

When you have to deal with a rather convoluted Visualizer View or when you want to follow just a certain line in a complex Visualizer View, you can make the layout more uncluttered by grouping the nodes. It is possible to group either all nodes or just the individual node layers.

Grouping All Layers

To group all node layers in the Visualizer View:

  1. Call the Visualizer View.
  2. Use the Group All Layers button in the toolbar.

    Now all nodes in the Visualizer View are grouped under individual nodes in a folder structure.


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The ungrouped structure


The grouped structure

Note: The result of the grouped structure is similar to what you can see in the Schema section.

When grouped, you can do the following:

  • Open a folder one by one folder using the plus symbol in the right-hand top corner of the grouped node.
  • Close any folder by using the minus symbol in the right-hand top corner of the expanded node.

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To ungroup all node layers:

  1. Click the Ungroup button in the toolbar.

    All nodes are ungrouped again.

Grouping a Single Layer

To group a single layer of nodes:

  1. Select the node layer which you want to group.

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  2. Right-click to call the context menu.
  3. Select Group all nodes of: <the name of the layer>.

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    The selected node layer is grouped and the tree structure in the Visualizer View is updated accordingly.

When grouped, you can do the following:

  • Open a folder one by one folder using the plus symbol in the right-hand top corner of the grouped node.
  • Close any folder by using the minus symbol in the right-hand top corner of the expanded node.

To ungroup all node layers:

  1. Right-click the grouped layer to call the context menu.
  2. Select Ungroup all nodes of: <the name of the layer>.

    All nodes are ungrouped again.

See Also

Working with Visualizer

Horizontal and Vertical Alignment


Displaying Plain Attributes

Node Context Menu

Crop Tree



Using Schema




Link and Unlink