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Expected Changes

The 'Expected Changes' tab at the bottom of the 'Service Instance' editor contains a reference catalog listing all changes ordered for the given service instance. An expected change is a linking object which references an actual 'Change' object requested for the service in the 'IT-Changes' area of the Service Request Shop.

From the IPC perspective, expected changes are created and registered in the 'Expected Change' tab at the bottom of the 'Ticket' editor. The link to a service instance can be created in the following way:

  1. In the 'Expected Change' tab of the 'Ticket' editor, use action 'Create Exp. Change'. The 'Change Details' editor opens.
  2. In the 'Change Details' editor, select corresponding check boxes of "affected objects". In this case, select check box 'Services'. The 'Services' tab is added to the 'Change details' editor.
  3. In the 'Service' tab, use the 'Search and assign existing service to change' action to assign one or more services as services affected by the change.

The 'Expected Changes' reference catalog in the 'Service Instance' editor can be displayed either in table view or calendar view. The latter is used, for example, to represent a Service Downtime Calendar, displaying in a calendar fashion expected changes which reference changes with 'Downtime (Start)' and 'Downtime (End)' specified in their change details.

See Also

Service Instances

Service Instantiation

The Instantiation Wizard

Shop-like Service Instantiation

Service Instantiation Process Diagram

Business Partner Assignment Actions

Adding Documents to Service Records

Service Resources

Resource Rules

Service Availability