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Service Instantiation

The creation of service instances out of a service template is referred to as 'instantiating' the template. A service template needs to be in status 'Approved' before it can be instantiated.

There are several ways of service instance creation:

  • Instantiation via the Service Shop

    This way, services can be instantiated using GUI similar to Valuemation Service Request Shop. Call action 'Open Service Shop for Instantiation' from the 'Actions' section of the 'Service Level Manager' sidebar or use the 'Open Service Shop for Instantiation' smart tile.

    Note that 'Instantiation via the Service Shop' can only be performed in Valuemation web client.

  • Action 'Instantiate Service(s)...'

    Use the action to create a service instance from a service template and offer it to one or more specific customers.

    The action is available in service templates catalogs or editors.

  • Action 'Create Service Instance...'

    The action creates service instances without business partner assignment, i.e. to create instances prepared, approved and ready to be assigned to business partners using specific business partner assignment actions. Note that this is a less common approach to service instantiation.

    The standard starting point is the 'Create Service Instance (extended)' action from the 'Actions' section of the 'Service Level Manager' sidebar. In the first step, the action opens a browser with existing service templates. Upon template selection, the full service instance editor gets opened.

    Actions 'Instantiate Service(s)...' and 'Create Service Instance...' can be performed in both Valuemation rich and web clients.

Different instantiation approaches may be useful in different situations:

  • It is possible to create a service instance and then gradually assign it to multiple business partners using the business partner assignment actions. This way the business partners will be assigned the same service instance and thus changes made to the instance (e.g. changing status) will affect all the partners.
  • On the other hand, using the 'Instantiate Service(s)...' action creates a new instance with each partner assignment, thus allowing for individual treatment of service instances in respect to business partners.

The 'Instantiate Service(s)...' action is performed using the Instantiation Wizard.

See Also

Service Instances

The Instantiation Wizard

Shop-like Service Instantiation

Service Instantiation Process Diagram

Business Partner Assignment Actions

Adding Documents to Service Records

Service Resources

Resource Rules

Service Availability

Expected Changes