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Resource Management in Use

All functionality described in this chapter can be accessed from the 'Resource Manager' Valuemation business view.

To set up and use Valuemation resource management, you will need to:

  • Define Valuemation calendar objects and generate work shifts from them. (These steps may already have been taken care of in connection with other Valuemation functionality.)
  • Define resource roles. Roles help to specify the intended or actual use of individual resources and possibly to use one resource in several different standard ways according to the context.
  • Register available resources. This is done by creating resource objects on the basis of other objects (such as persons or systems) already existing in the Valuemation database.
  • Create an RM project for each work project whose resources need to be managed. Resources can, of course, be shared among projects.
  • Within each RM project you will create reservations for individual project tasks and assign resources to them. This way resources for individual project tasks are planned and booked. Information created by these assignments can also be used to obtain on overview of available resources and to analyze resource usage.
  • As resources are created on the basis of other available objects, the information stored as resources may need to be synchronized with the source objects (should changes occur). This resource synchronization can be automated.

The Resource Manager brings the following additions to the palette of Valuemation data management tools:

  • Gantt Charts

    A new catalog view mode, the Timeline view, uses Gantt Charts to display data such as activities, tasks or events graphically against time.

  • Resource View Histograms and usage calendars

    A special editor window, the Resource View, is used to provide concise overview of resource utilization.

In This Chapter

Generate Shifts

Create Roles

Create Resources

Create an RM Project

Analyze Resources Usage

Other Actions

See Also

Resource Management

Resource Manager

Resource Management Structure