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Synchronize Resources

The main object types of Resource Management - Resource, Resource Project (RM Project) and Reservation - represent other Valuemation objects from the perspective of resource planning and allocation. For example, a resource object can represent a person, a support group or a system.

During creation of Resource Management objects, information stored in the "source" objects is taken over. If any of the source objects is modified, this change does not get automatically propagated to the Resource Management objects. To bring the objects "in sync" again, action 'Synchronize Resources' must be used.

Action 'Synchronize Resources'

The action does the following:

  • It examines all tickets, activities, process instances and tasks and if it detects any changed data, it updates related resource management objects correspondingly.
  • If a new ticket is detected, then the action creates a resource project from the ticket and reservations from ticket activities. It also automatically creates resources (i.e. objects of the 'Resource' object type) from any persons or support groups assigned to the ticket activities and assigns them to the resource project and the respective reservations.
  • If a new process instance is detected, then the action creates a resource project from the process instance and reservations from process tasks. It automatically creates resources from any persons or support groups assigned to the process tasks and assigns them to the resource project and the respective reservations.

As a result of the action, it is possible to see, in one place, assignments of all resources to all ticket activities and process tasks.

Scheduled Action 'Synchronize Resource Reservations'

The 'Synchronize Resources' action can be automated using a scheduled action. In standard Valuemation, scheduled action 'Synchronize Reservations' is provided for this purpose. The action has been prepared using Valuemation Action Scheduler. By default it is not active, it needs to be enabled if automatic resource synchronization is desirable.

Enabling the 'Synchronize Reservations' scheduled action

  1. Open the 'Valuemation Administration' business view, switch to the 'Work' perspective and expand the 'Other' sidebar section.
  2. Go to folder 'Action Scheduling' and open the 'Scheduled Actions' catalog.
  3. The catalog contains action called 'Synchronize Resource Reservations'. When enabled, this scheduled action will trigger the 'Synchronize resources' action repeatedly in the specified time interval.

    Double-click the scheduled action to open it for editing and make sure that the 'Enabled' check box in the 'Identification' tab is selected.

For more information on scheduled actions, see the 'Action Scheduler' help section.

See Also

Other Actions

Resource Selection During Action Pass On