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Create Resources

Now we need to create actual resources for our projects. As resources are based on already existing objects (persons, support groups or systems), creation of resources does not create actual physical resources but rather objects representing the persons, support groups or systems for the purpose of resource management.

  1. Open the 'Resources' catalog from the 'Resource Manager' sidebar or locate the 'Resources' catalog info object.
  2. Call action 'Create' from the catalog right-click context menu. The wizard for resource creation opens.
  3. In the first step, select the object type on which the new resource will be based: Person, Support Group or System. This selection will influence the type of object which will be selected in the next step.

    If the rare case when the resource should not be based on any object type, click the 'Skip' button at the bottom of the window. In this case, selection of a source object described in step 4 will also be skipped.

    The editor of such resource will not contain the 'Details' tab (as there is no information to inherit.)

  4. In the next step, select the source object. For example, if 'Person' has been selected in step 3 as the source object type, then a catalog of persons opens in step 4. Use the opened catalog to select one or more source objects of the respective type.
  5. One resource object is created for each of the objects selected in step 4. The 'Description' and 'Type' attributes of the created objects have been filled in by the application. It is possible to open each individual object and select the values as needed.
  6. The 'Default Role' attribute can be specified for each of the created objects. This can also be done by editing individual objects but a more efficient way is to assign resources to roles - see 'Assigning Default Roles to Multiple Resources' below.

If source object type selection has been skipped in step 3, then an editor for new resource creation opened in step 4. Use the editor to specify resource attributes (see topic 'Resource' for attribute description). Note that the 'Type' attribute is mandatory. Even if a 'free' resource (i.e. not based on any of the Person/Support Group/System object types) is being created, it is still necessary to select whether the resource is of type 'Work' or 'Material'.

In This Chapter

Assigning Default Roles to Multiple Resources

Example of Resource Creation

See Also

Resource Management in Use

Generate Shifts

Create Roles

Create an RM Project

Analyze Resources Usage

Other Actions