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Create Roles

When a resource is assigned to a reservation, it is given a role. This way one resource can be used in different roles in the context of different reservations. The role association is done by assigning the resource-reservation linking object to an object of the 'Resource Role' type. Thus Resource Manager data preparation includes also the creation of suitable 'Resource Role' objects.

  1. Open the 'Resource Roles' catalog from the 'Resource Manager' sidebar.
  2. Call action 'Create' from the catalog right-click context menu.
  3. The 'New: RM Role' editor opens. Specify role name (attribute 'Role') and provide a 'Description'.

    There is no need to deal with the 'Resources' and 'Reservations' reference catalogs at this point. The assignment of roles to resources will be done later on an as-needed basis, the 'Reservations' tab lists reservations of resources with the given role.

  4. Click 'Ok' to finalize the creation and close the editor.

Example of Role Creation:

Let's prepare a set of roles intended for use in a project of software version update. We need to consider roles for both work and material resources. For example, 'Developer', HW Specialist', 'Technical Writer' and 'Manager' for work resources, and 'DB Server' and 'Room' for material resources.

  1. Open the 'Resource Roles' catalog.
  2. Call the 'Create' action.
  3. In the 'New: RM Role' editor, in the 'Role' field type 'Developer' and in the 'Description' field type e.g. 'Personnel responsible for the final stage of functionality specification and code creation'.
  4. Click 'Ok'.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each of the roles.

See Also

Resource Management in Use

Generate Shifts

Create Resources

Create an RM Project

Analyze Resources Usage

Other Actions