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Operations in the Calendar View

In order to open the Calendar View of a catalog, open the catalog and switch to its calendar mode by clicking the 'Switch to Calendar View' button in the left-hand part of the catalog control bar (bottom of the catalog).

If the 'Switch to Calendar View' button is missing, it is most likely because Calendar View has not been enabled either globally or for the currently opened catalog. See Catalog Customizer: 'Enabling the Calendar Mode' for more information. Also note that Calendar View is available only in Valuemation Web Client.

Unlike 'Table View' and 'Tree View' modes, which are available in all catalogs by default, 'Calendar View' needs to be enabled and customized for a particular catalog with data that benefit from being displayed in a calendar form, such as catalogs of 'Tickets' (Incident/Problem/Change Manager), 'Systems' (Asset Manager), 'Contract' (Contract Manager, Procurement Manager), 'Request' (Procurement Manager) etc.

Please also note:

  • 'Calendar View' is implemented in Valuemation Web Client only.
  • It is possible to start an action from a Calendar displayed in Reference list, but only in case, that either the parameters "catalogPanel" and "catalogView" aren't needed for the action or that these parameters are needed for the action and are set.

Note: In the previous versions of Valuemation, switching between catalog layouts was done using the 'Switch' button (found in the right-hand part of the catalog control bar). This is the state captured on most screenshots throughout this documentation.

Calendar View GUI

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The Calendar View window consists of the following parts:

  • (A) Day Selector

    The usual calendar control. Clicking a number within the control displays the corresponding day in the data area. If the data area is in the week / month mode, then the week / month containing the selected day is displayed.

  • (B) Calendars Selector

    Check boxes which are used to select sets of events (aka Calendars) to be displayed in the data area.

  • (C) Data Area

    Calendar events displayed in a calendar (day, week or month) form.

Calendar View GUI Customization

The Calendar View GUI can be customized with some default settings and the event background hatching. The (same) default presets for the GUI can be found in three places, each of which has different setting priority:

  • Catalog Customizer > the Calendar Tab (highest setting priority, overrides all the settings both in User and Global Settings).

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In the picture above, you can see the following settings to take effect:

  • (A) The first day of a week as set in the Catalog Customizer/User Setting/Global Settings.
  • (B) The default display mode as set in the Catalog Customizer/Global Settings.
  • (C) The workday start time. When opened, the Calendar will scroll down to and highlight the threshold set in the Catalog Customizer/Global Settings.
  • (D) Shows the event background hatching as set on the Calendar tab of the Object Type Customizer.
  • (E) The workday end time. When opened, the Calendar will highlight the end as set in the Catalog Customizer/Global Settings.

Note: The last user's adjustments are saved and restored when the calendar is opened again.

In This Chapter

Day Selection

Calendars Selection

Events Display

See Also

Catalog Operations

Operations in the Table View

Operations in the Tree View

Operations in the Multiline View

Operations in the Chart View

Operations in the Timeline View

Operations in the Master/Detail View