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Operations in the Tree View

Most catalog operations are done in the Table View but some of them are available in the Tree View as well. If you call a context menu on an object in the Tree View, you can see that the menu contains the same actions as for the Tree View. The operations in the Tree View are similar, too.


To open an object from a catalog in Tree View:

  1. Double-click the root row of the selected object at the top of the tree


    right-click the root line to call the menu and select 'Edit'.

    The selected object opens in the edit view.

Common to editing and creating objects:

When editing an existing object or creating a new one, a view (editor) opens in the Workspace InfoObject. Refer to the Views (Editors) chapter for more information.

Note: In the Web client, the context menu is available only for objects on the first tree level.

See Also

Catalog Operations

Operations in the Table View

Operations in the Multiline View

Operations in the Calendar View

Operations in the Chart View

Operations in the Timeline View

Operations in the Master/Detail View