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Create/Request Release Package

To raise and record a new Release:

  1. Start the 'Create new Release' action from the sidebar.

    A 'New:Release' editor opens.

    Help Image

  2. Fill in the required information: The Release name, version, requested by etc.

    At least the mandatory fields must be completed.

    The Release-Form should be set to Release Package since we are creating and processing the Package without the Release Units in this example.

  3. Click the Requested button below to set the release in status 'Requested (RE)'. This status assignment is automatic.

    Now the Release has been created and entered the Planning phase of the Valuemation Release Management process.

Note: A new Release can also be created from a 'Model Release'.

In This Chapter

Plan and Schedule the Release

Build the Release

Test the Release

Approve the Release

Release Backout

Implementation Failed

Release Expired

See Also

Release Management Use Cases

Create/Request Release Unit

Model Release