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Implementation Failed

If a release is in the Backed out (RE) status, a Release manager (the person responsible) has to set the next 'Implementation failed (RE)' (final) status.

To set the Release in the 'Implementation failed (RE)' status:

  1. Open the affected Release.

    The Release editor opens.

  2. Click the 'Implementation failed' button.

    A new Release Description window appears.

  3. Fill in the Release description to document the reason of the Implementation failed (RE) status and click 'OK' to proceed.

    This status is the final status.

In addition to the failed implementation, the Release can be canceled (achieving status 'Release Cancelled') at any stage of the release process. The fail criterion can be part of all or some of the approval and review tasks.

In case of disturbances caused by a Release, a special baseline compare process can be started to show all differences. Valuemation 'Baseline' functionality is capable of taking “snap shots” of system configurations whenever it is needed (i.e. before a new or after a proven release in production). Input data - the inventory of actual physical infrastructure can be obtained by direct link or data-import from inventory tools (e.g. Microsoft SCCM etc.) via standard interfaces.

See Also

Create/Request Release Package

Plan and Schedule the Release

Build the Release

Test the Release

Approve the Release

Release Backout

Release Expired