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Create/Request Release Unit

Since a Release Unit cannot be created and processed without a relation to the Release Package, it can only be created either from an existing Release Package or using the 'Create new Release' action in the sidebar and linking the new Release Unit to an existing Release Package directly in the Release Editor.

Create/Request Release Unit from a Release Package

To create a Release Unit from a Release Package:

  1. Open a Release Package from a Release catalog in the sidebar. For example, this can be the 'All Release Packages' catalog.

    The Release editor opens.

    In the editor, you can find the 'Associated Release Units' reference catalog at the bottom.

  2. Right-click and select 'Create' from the menu.

    A new Release editor opens.

    The 'Release-form' field is automatically set to 'Release Unit' and the 'Associated Release Package' field is filled with the Release Package which the Unit is assigned to.

  3. Fill in the required information: The Release name, Release version, Requested by etc.

    At least the mandatory fields must be completed.

  4. Click 'Requested' to set the Release Unit to the 'Requested (RE)' status

    Now back in the Release editor you can see the Release Package with the associated Release Unit.


  • If a Release Unit is assigned to a Release Package, it is not possible to change the status of the Release Package manually. In this case, the status of the Release Package is controlled by the status of the assigned Release Units.
  • The processing of the Release Units is identical with the Release Package.

Create/Request Release Unit using the 'Create new Release' action

To create a Release Unit:

  1. Start the 'Create new Release' action from the sidebar.

    A 'New:Release' editor opens.

  2. Fill in the required information: The Release name, version, requested by etc. At least the mandatory fields must be completed.
  3. Set the Release-Form to Release Unit.

    Now the 'Associated Release Package' field is enabled.

  4. Use the 'Search and Assign' Help Image button to select the Release Package which you want the Release Unit would be assigned to.
  5. Click 'Requested' set the Release in the 'Requested (RE)' status. This status assignment is automatic.

    The subsequent processing of the Release Unit is identical with the Release Package.

See Also

Release Management Use Cases

Create/Request Release Package

Model Release